ACF Copilot

ACF Copilot

Contributors: krasenslavov

Donate Link:

Tags: acf, advanced custom fields, custom fields, acf copilot, advanced custom fields copilot, custom fields copilot

Requires at least: 5.0

Tested up to: 6.4

Requires PHP: 7.2

Stable tag: 0.1.3

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI:

Improve your Advanced Custom Fields workflow and development process with LivePreview, Code Snippets, and Bootstrap 5 Components.


Improve your Advanced Custom Fields workflow and development process with LivePreview, Code Snippets, and Bootstrap 5 Components.

ACF Copilot is still its alpha version. Please don't add negative or 1-star reviews. Contact us directly via our website, Krasen Slavov, or use the plugin Support Tab page.

ACF Copilot provides you with a set of features that extend the great Advanced Custom Fields plugin and help you to develop, build and test your theme much faster.


LivePreview Mode

LivePreview allows you to view the changes in a new window after each custom field value is modified.

You can set this option globally from the ACF Copilot Settings options page or individually for each post or page.

Code Snippets

On the page or post where you have set your Custom Field group to be shown, you will see a Clipboard 📋 icon showing the generated code snippets for each custom field type.

You can copy/paste those snippets and build your theme components quickly.

Usage and Examples

You have a related help section to each field type on the Custom Fields group pages with built-in usage and examples section.

You can view this section by clicking on the Support icon next to each field type.

Custom Field Templates

Each supported Custom Field type has a Template with Code Editor where you can directly create a partial template for each custom field.

The replacement variables for fields follow the template {{acfc_[field_name]}}

Bootstrap 5 Classes and Components

Within the Template Code Editor, you can access a library of Bootstrap 5 classes and components.

If your theme relies on Bootstrap 5, you can load up any available classes and components with a single click.

Supported Fields

The following list of custom fields is supported in the free version of the plugin.


✔️ Text

✔️ Textarea

✔️ Number

✔️ Range

✔️ Email

✔️ URL

✔️ Password


✔️ Image

✔️ File

❌ Wysiwyg Editor

✔️ oEmbed

❌ Gallery


✔️ Select

✔️ Checkbox

✔️ Radio Button

✔️ Button Group

❌ True / False


✔️ Link

✔️ Post Object

✔️ Page Link

❌ Relationship

❌ Taxonomy

❌ User


❌ Google Map

✔️ Date Picker

✔️ Date Time Picker

✔️ Time Picker

✔️ Color Picker


❌ Message

❌ Tab

❌ Accordion

❌ Group

❌ Repeater

❌ Flexible Content

❌ Clone


Additional information with step-by-step setup, usage, demos, and more video & media help can be found on the Krasen Slavov website


As of yet, this plugin doesn't have a commercial version available.

However, we are working on a version with whole more features. Visit ACF Copilot Plus to subscribe to our newsletter, get notified, and learn more about premium version features.


Use the Support Tab on this page to post your requests and questions.

All tickets are usually addressed within 24 hours.

If your request is an add-on feature, we will add it to the plugin wish list and consider implementing it in the next major release.

Is there Support for custom post types?

No. The free version plugin supports only the built-in Post and Page types.

What features are in the plugin premium version?

They are quite a bit of feature we want to include and improve in ACF Copilot in the premium plugin. After all, we want this plugin to generate code snippets and help with your ACF workflow.

Here is a quick list of the features we currently are considering to include:

  • Improved Live Preview Mode.

  • Support for Wysiwyg Editor, Gallery, Google Map, Group, Repeater, Flexible Content, and Clone ACF field types.

  • ACF Field Group templates and code snippets.

  • Be able to save and re-use Flexible Content fields.

  • Generate blocks and options pages code snippets.

  • Extended library with 3rd party frameworks and icons (Bootstrap 5 Utilities, Bootstrap Icons, TailwindCSS, FontAwesome 5, etc.)

  • Be able to extend custom components within your active theme.

  • Template and component hooks you can include a single line of code in your theme.

  • Support to 3rd party ACF field types like - Font Awesome, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7, Sidebar Selector, Nav Menu, Audio/Video Player, SVG Icon, YouTube Picker, and others.


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The plugin installation process is standard and easy to follow. Please let us know if you have any difficulties with the installation.

Standard Installation

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New.

  2. Search for ACF Copilot.

  3. Install and activate the ACF Copilot plugin.

Manual Installation

  1. Upload the entire acf-copilot folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Visit Plugins.

  3. Activate the ACF Copilot plugin.

After Activation

  1. Click on the Settings link on the main Plugin page or go to Settings > ACF Copilot



  • Initial release and first commit into the SVN.

