Advanced Tutorials

Supercharging WordPress with Caching: Using wp_cache_get(), wp_cache_set(), and wp_cache_delete()

WordPress is renowned for its user-friendliness, but as your website grows in traffic and content, so do the demands on your server.

Advanced Tutorials

Mastering WordPress Hooks: Unlocking the Power of Actions and Filters

When developing a WordPress site or plugin, understanding the concept of hooks is crucial. Hooks allow developers to extend and modify the core functionality of WordPress without altering its core files. This is done through two main types of hooks: actions and filters.

Advanced Tutorials

Extend EDD Invoices in your Language

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to extend the functionality of Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Invoices specifically for admin users. A starter child theme including a working example can be downloaded from GitHub.

Advanced Tutorials

Re-building and Re-inserting Images into the WordPress Media Library from External Sources

Managing a WordPress website often involves handling various media files, especially images.

Advanced Tutorials

Setting Up and Compiling WordPress React JS for the Block Editor with Gulp and NPM

Integrating React JS into the WordPress Block Editor enhances the user experience by leveraging the power and flexibility of React. This blog post will guide you through setting up and completing a WordPress React JS environment for the Block Editor using Gulp and NPM.