Advanced Tutorials

How to Add a Dark and Light Mode Toggle in WordPress Menus

Adding a dark and light mode toggle in WordPress is a great way to enhance user experience. It lets users choose their preferred theme, providing flexibility and accessibility. In this tutorial, we’ll use a combination of PHP, CSS, and JavaScript to create a toggle button and apply theme changes dynamically.

What Is a Dark and Light Mode Toggle?

A dark and light mode toggle is a switch that allows users to alternate between dark and light themes. This feature is increasingly popular due to its benefits, including improved readability and reduced eye strain in low-light conditions.

By incorporating this toggle in your WordPress menu, you ensure that users can quickly access the option without searching for settings.

Code to Add a Theme Toggle Button to WordPress

Below is the code you need to implement this feature. It’s designed to work with any WordPress theme and menu.

PHP Code: Add the Toggle Button

The following code adds a toggle button to your WordPress navigation menu dynamically:

function generic_theme_toggle_button($items, $args) {
    if ($args->theme_location) { // Check if a theme location exists
        $toggle_button = '
        <li class="menu-item theme-toggle">
            <div class="theme-switch-wrapper">
                <label class="theme-switch">
                    <input type="checkbox" id="theme-toggle" />
                    <span class="slider round"></span>
        $items .= $toggle_button;
    return $items;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'generic_theme_toggle_button', 10, 2);

This code hooks into the wp_nav_menu_items filter to add the toggle button at the end of your menu. You can customize the placement by editing the $items variable.

CSS Code: Define Theme Variables

Use CSS custom properties to define color schemes for dark and light modes:

body {
    --accent: #87ceeb;
    --accent-alt: #3b5863;
    --contrast: #ffffff;
    --contrast-2: #f7f8f9;
    --contrast-3: #f0f0f0;
    --base: #b2b2be;
    --base-2: #575760;
    --base-3: #222222;
    --base-4: #242628;
    --base-5: #202020;

body.light-mode {
    --accent: #87ceeb;
    --accent-alt: #3b5863;
    --contrast: #222222;
    --contrast-2: #333333;
    --contrast-3: #575760;
    --base: #f5f5f5;
    --base-2: #e7e7ea;
    --base-3: #ffffff;
    --base-4: #f7f8f9;
    --base-5: #ededf2;

These variables allow you to create distinct color palettes for both modes.

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JavaScript Code: Implement Toggle Functionality

The JavaScript below handles the theme switching and saves the user’s preference in localStorage:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    const toggles = document.querySelectorAll("#theme-toggle");
    const body = document.body;

    // Set theme based on saved preference
    const savedTheme = localStorage.getItem("generic-theme");
    if (savedTheme) {
        const isLightMode = savedTheme === "light";
        body.classList.toggle("light-mode", isLightMode);
        toggles.forEach((toggle) => (toggle.checked = isLightMode));

    // Toggle theme on switch
    toggles.forEach((toggle) => {
        toggle.addEventListener("change", function () {
            const isLightMode = toggle.checked;
            body.classList.toggle("light-mode", isLightMode);
            localStorage.setItem("generic-theme", isLightMode ? "light" : "dark");

This script ensures the toggle works seamlessly across page loads, preserving the user’s preference.

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How the Code Works

  1. PHP Code: Adds the toggle button to any navigation menu assigned to a theme location.
  2. CSS Variables: Define a flexible color palette for dark and light modes.
  3. JavaScript Logic: Handles switching the theme and persists the selection using localStorage.

Benefits of Adding a Theme Toggle

  • Enhanced User Experience: Users can choose their preferred mode for better readability.
  • Accessibility: Improves usability for those sensitive to light.
  • Modern Design: Gives your site a polished, interactive touch.

Customizing the Code

You can adjust the code to match your specific needs:

  • Button Placement: Modify the $items variable in the PHP code to position the toggle button anywhere in your menu.
  • Color Palette: Update the CSS variables to match your site’s branding.
  • Default Theme: Set the default theme in the JavaScript by changing the body.classList logic.

Testing Your Implementation

After adding the code to your theme, test the following:

  • Toggle button appearance and functionality.
  • Correct application of dark and light modes.
  • Local storage saving and retrieving the user’s choice.


Adding a dark and light mode toggle in WordPress menus is a simple yet impactful feature. By following this guide, you can implement a generic solution that works across themes and provides a better experience for your visitors.

Looking to dive deeper into Advanced Tutorials? Our article on How to Create a Dynamic Autocomplete Search Bar for Your Website might be just what you need.

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