Pro Tips

Switch PHP Versions in XAMPP

Have you ever wanted to change only the PHP version for your XAMPP installation. In this quick pro tip post, I will show you how to do that easily without the need to have multiple XAMPP installs on your system.

Advanced Tutorials

Best Practices for Maintaining Both SVN and Git for Your Plugin or Theme

Developing a plugin or theme for WordPress often involves managing versions and updates efficiently. While uses Subversion (SVN) for its plugin and theme repository, many developers prefer Git for its flexibility and robust feature set.

Pro Tips

Use NGROK to Sync WordPress Database (local to server)

This quick pro-tip article will show you the easiest and most efficient way to sync your local development WordPress database to any production/staging environment.

Advanced Tutorials

WordPress Gallery Overlay with Fancybox

Do you want to add some style and make your WordPress galleries more user-friendly. Your theme doesn't support Lightbox or Fancybox, and you don't want to use a plugin just for this feature.

Case Studies

Local WordPress Development with GitHub and Dropbox

Managing multiple client websites efficiently is crucial for any WordPress developer. In an ideal scenario, you'd have a parent theme stored on GitHub, which you can update centrally and push changes to all client sites. But what about managing your local development environment effectively.