
9 Top WordPress Plugins for Embedding Instagram Feeds with Gutenberg

Instagram has become a cornerstone of social media marketing and content sharing, making it essential for websites to integrate Instagram feeds seamlessly. With the Gutenberg editor, WordPress users can easily embed Instagram content directly into their posts and pages.


6 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Animate Blocks on Scroll in the Block Editor

The Block Editor (also known as Gutenberg) has revolutionized the way WordPress users create content by offering a dynamic and intuitive editing experience. One of the most sought-after features is the ability to animate blocks on a scroll, adding interactivity and visual appeal to websites.

Pro Tips

How to Add Live Preview for Your Plugins with Blueprints

When developing WordPress plugins, enhancing user experience is paramount. One way to achieve this is by incorporating a live preview feature.


12 Essential WordPress Plugins for Web Font Management

In the digital age, web fonts play a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetics and user experience of websites. WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems, offers a plethora of plugins to simplify the process of loading and managing custom web fonts.

Pro Tips

Alternative Way Updating Options in WordPress

Are you encountering issues with updating options in WordPress, particularly when using the update_option() function. If you find that update_option() always returns false, even though you're certain the data is correct, you might be facing a caching issue.