Pro Tips

Adding and Sorting Custom Columns

In the world of WordPress development, customizing the admin experience to fit specific needs is a common task. One such customization is adding sortable columns to admin tables. This feature is particularly useful for site administrators and content managers who need to sort data efficiently.

Pro Tips

Taxonomies in WordPress with Custom Support

Taxonomies in WordPress serve as a cornerstone for organizing content. They are essential for categorizing posts and custom post types, but often their capabilities are not fully utilized.

Pro Tips

Setting Default Visibility for Featured Image Column

WordPress's flexibility is one of its strongest features, especially when it comes to customizing the admin experience.

Pro Tips

Customizing the_excerpt() for Complete Sentences in WordPress Plugin

WordPress developers often seek to refine and personalize the content display on their websites. A common area for customization is the excerpt of posts.

Pro Tips

Conditional Loading for Contact Form 7 Assets

Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular form plugins for WordPress, offering flexibility and ease of use. However, it loads its assets (JavaScript and CSS files) on every page, which can impact your website's performance, especially when reCAPTCHA is enabled.