Pro Tips

Add Website’s Social Media Presence with Open Graph Meta Tags

In today's digital age, having a strong presence on social media is crucial for any website looking to reach a wider audience and drive traffic.

Pro Tips

Video Player with Custom Controls: Adding a Play Button Overlay

Are you looking to add an extra touch of interactivity to your web videos. Want to make your video player more engaging and intuitive for your audience. One effective way to achieve this is by incorporating a custom play button overlay.

Pro Tips

Applying Custom Headings with H1-H6 Sizes in Block Editor Using registerBlockType and RichText

Creating custom blocks in WordPress's Block Editor (Gutenberg) offers a high degree of flexibility and control over your content.

Pro Tips

How to Disable Specific WordPress Plugin Updates Using Code

Keeping WordPress plugins up-to-date is generally a good practice, as updates often bring new features, improvements, and crucial security patches. However, there are instances where you might want to prevent a specific plugin from updating.

Pro Tips

How to Add Syntax Highlighting for Code Snippets in WordPress

Using Prism.js to add syntax highlighting for code snippets in your WordPress theme is a great choice. Here's a step-by-step guide to implement Prism.js: 1. Download Prism.js First, go to the Prism.js website and download the version that suits your needs.