Pro Tips

Theme and Plugin Support

What is the best way to get theme or plugin support. The primary method to contact us is by using each of our themes or plugins Support Tab.

Case Studies

How to Improve Page Loading Speed for Elementor

Last Updated 2/27/2021 TypeExpertiseReading TimeCompletion TimeCase StudyBeginner15 minutes30 minutes 1. Introduction Addressing website performance is usually an afterthought. Even experienced WordPress web designers and developers make this mistake and leave to improve and optimize their website after doing everything else.

Case Studies

How to Configure your Web Server and Install WordPress on Digital Ocean (full step-by-step guide)

Last Updated 2/19/2021 TypeExpertiseReading TimeCompletion TimeTutorialIntermediate40 - 60 minutes2 - 4 hours Table of Contents PrerequisitesIntroductionDigital OceanCreate a New ProjectCreate a New Cloud Server (Droplet)Add a DomainUpdate Domain DNS Records (e.g.

Expert Advice

3 Expert Advice Tips on How to Deal with Clients and Stay in Charge

As developers and especially when self-employed and working as freelancers, we leave our clients to dictate everything right from the start. This is usually a terrible practice and will always lead projects into the hole.

Pro Tips

Hiding Advanced Custom Fields

Today's tip of the day is for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.