Pro Tips

Rewriting CPT Single Posts in WordPress for SEO-Friendly URLs

WordPress offers incredible flexibility when it comes to creating custom post types (CPTs) and taxonomies to organize your content. One crucial aspect of optimizing your website for search engines and improving user experience is creating clean and SEO-friendly URLs for your CPT single posts.

Pro Tips

Replace Admin Columns Custom Values

If you have worked with custom post types and wanted to have some custom fields added and displayed in the main admin table, you have probably faced the problem.

Pro Tips

Sortable Interactions with jQuery UI

The jQuery UI is a mighty library, and I still use it in my projects for its Interactions. Because there are many features, I use the Download tool to select only the items I need and select No Theme as my CSS option.

Pro Tips

Merge CPTs in One Admin Menu

If you are working on a plugin and need more than one custom post type, but you don't want to have a separate admin menu for each custom post type, you can use the workaround below.

Pro Tips

User-Defined Options in your CSS/SASS

In the quick tip below, I will show you one method of how to load and use your WordPress theme or plugin style options on the front-end.