Pro Tips

Adding Noindex and Nofollow to Custom Post Types with Yoast SEO

When managing a WordPress website, understanding how to control which pages are indexed by search engines is crucial. Sometimes, you might need to prevent certain types of content, like custom post types (CPTs), from being indexed or followed by search engines.

Pro Tips

Merge CPTs in One Admin Menu

If you are working on a plugin and need more than one custom post type, but you don't want to have a separate admin menu for each custom post type, you can use the workaround below.

Pro Tips

Setup JS and CSS Dev Environment (no external libs)

There are many different ways to set up and structure your WordPress plugin or theme CSS and JS environment files. If you need something complex with eslint, stylelint, and PHP standards, I would recommend looking at the Composer + nodeJS method or looking into Gulp.

Case Studies

How to Configure your Web Server and Install WordPress on Digital Ocean (full step-by-step guide)

Last Updated 2/19/2021 TypeExpertiseReading TimeCompletion TimeTutorialIntermediate40 - 60 minutes2 - 4 hours Table of Contents PrerequisitesIntroductionDigital OceanCreate a New ProjectCreate a New Cloud Server (Droplet)Add a DomainUpdate Domain DNS Records (e.g.

Advanced Tutorials

Advanced Custom Fields Front-end Form

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