If you are working on a plugin and need more than one custom post type, but you don't want to have a separate admin menu for each custom post type, you can use the workaround below.
If you are working on a plugin and need more than one custom post type, but you don't want to have a separate admin menu for each custom post type, you can use the workaround below.
In the quick tip below, I will show you one method of how to load and use your WordPress theme or plugin style options on the front-end.
Have you ever wanted to change only the PHP version for your XAMPP installation. In this quick pro tip post, I will show you how to do that easily without the need to have multiple XAMPP installs on your system.
This quick pro-tip article will show you the easiest and most efficient way to sync your local development WordPress database to any production/staging environment.
This quick article will show you how to set up a GIT version control and host your code on GitHub on a plain shared hosting.