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Today’s tip of the day is for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
For more, take a look at our well-reviewed article on Advanced Custom Fields Front-end Form
In the two snippets below, I show you how to hide an ACF field either on the front-end when using the acf_form() function or in the back-end and limit the field to edited and filled only by users that are administrators.
For more information, don't miss our popular article on The Importance of Customer Support: Building a Knowledge Base for Your Plugin
The Code
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=acf_field_slug', function ($field) {
return false;
}, 10, 1);
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=acf_field_slug', function($field) {
if(is_admin()) {
return $field;
return false;
}, 10, 1);
Ready to continue learning? Check out our helpful article on Cleaning Unused ACF Custom Fields and Resetting Taxonomies